Installation - Graceful cast iron fencing and lighting

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The installation is the last of the complex services we offer to our clients. It changes the product into working part of the environments. We endeavour to do as much work as possible in our plant with our own documentation (in specific situations discussed with the clients). We control all the proportions of the product, surface cover and welds visually. We follow the exact procedure and quality standards during the whole manufacture. We always discuss the installation with the client to manage it in the shortest possible time. The delivery and installation is timed exactly to fit in the timetable of the manufacturing stages. The installation is processed technically and professionally.

The lighting is available including the installation. We are fully equipped and skilled to install the electric part of the lighting. However, the preparation procedure is different because of installation of the electrical wiring, laying of communication etc. The ideal way is to install the new cast iron lamps on the place of the previous lighting. The installation in this case contains the de-installation of the old lamps, possible construction of the base, installation and connecting to the electricity. Initial electrical revisions are included. The handover documents always include the handover protocol with defined guarantee, information about the properties or conformity of additional materials used, welding procedure and electrical revisions in case of lighting products. It is possible to deliver the products without installation too.


We provide the delivery in whole Europe using freight and truck transportation. In case of necessary mechanization we use the local tested companies. If the place of installation is far, we use the local tested workers. We manage our own workers and equipment transportation. In case of long stay, our team stays overnight in the place of installation.


We always love to meet our clients at the place of future product to measure
everything and to discuss the detailed procedure of the work.

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